Awakening the Dreamer Program Breaks New Ground

October 31, 2010 | By The Pachamama Alliance

The Awakening the Dreamer Program is expanding its reach and scope to include two new community transformation tools designed to empower individuals around the world to engage with the crisis and opportunity of these times in ever more powerful ways. The Workshop for Agents of Change and the Community Transformation Toolkit Primer are experiential workshops designed to move individuals from inspiration to concrete action, will be piloted this month by leaders in the Awakening the Dreamer Community.

The Workshop for Agents of Change is an interactive transformational workshop designed to deepen our understanding of what it means to be an agent of change and to discover what this means in our lives. Building on the premise of the Awakening the Dreamer Symposium, the Workshop for Agents of Change grounds participants in their experience of blessed unrest - a state of undeniable connection and service to all life - and asks critical questions with the purpose of clarifying for each person their unique and unfolding role as agents of change committed to an environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling, and socially just human presence on the planet.

The Community Transformation Toolkit Primer is a day-long workshop taking the step from inspiration to action by answering the questions, “Why do humans organize for change?” and “How do we do it?” Through a series of group discussions and exercises, the Community Transformation Toolkit seeks to provide key leaders currently at work on humanity’s most challenging issues with a clear framework from which they can develop the skills necessary to effectively and collaboratively lead humanity towards a more just and thriving world.

Both workshops are currently being piloted with an expected release date towards the end of the year.