Building Your Local ATD Community

March 17, 2011 | By The Pachamama Alliance

“The Awakening the Dreamer community around the world has a unique contribution to make to the future of the human family.”

Community is Key

We are convinced that the Awakening The Dreamer Changing The Dream (ATD-CTD) Initiative has an enormous role to play in creating a sustainable, just and fulfilling future and that community is key.

Getting together with others brings great benefits. We can be more active, effective, energetic working with grace, ease and flow. Everything is more fun (and often less work), when we do it together.

The vision for the ATD-CTD Initiative is that every single person inspired by the Symposium can be the beginning of a community gathering around them.

Building Your Community

How this might work:  You run a Symposium, people are transformed, excited and find themselves with like-minded folk, fellow agents of change.  Those that can meet in person, meet every 3-4 weeks to support each other, maybe make it a pot-luck meal in someone’s house.  At these meetings, you make friends, share projects, ask for support, find out more about local events, plan to run more Symposiums to bring still more people into the conversation.  You maybe even begin to create a local action plan.  More friends, more fun, more action, it’s a virtuous cycle.

Connect with ATD's new Community Support and Expansion Manager

As a world-wide family we can share our lessons with each other. Gabrielle Sundra is now the Community Support and Expansion Manager, and she would love to hear from you with any questions, ideas or requests for support (  She has been conducting best practices interviews that will inform and direct the development of new tools and guidelines that will soon be available.

Please share your stories, that’s how we inspire one another.