Community 'Roll Out' Events in the U.S.

December 20, 2011 | By Liz Crampton

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The U.S. campaign to reach a total attendance of one million in the core programs of The Pachamama Alliance is being launched through community ‘roll out’ events across the country. Participants from GenUp, the Journeys program, Awakening the Dreamer facilitators and donors are coming together to be updated on the goals and strategies for The Pachamama Alliance through 2014 and engage in how they can take part.

San Diego PachaPeople hosted a Southern California roll out and have set a campaign goal of 10,000 total attendances. Seattle just completed hosting a Pacific Northwest roll out. The communities that attended are engaged in creating their next steps with the campaign.

Upcoming events are happening in NY, Boulder and Austin with many more to be scheduled across the country.

Learn more about scheduled events