Free Sustainable World Sourcebooks

June 15, 2012 | By Liz Crampton

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Free Resource

The Sustainable World Sourcebook and accompanying Learning & Engagement Guide are now free to facilitators for use in Symposiums for the remainder of this year! These books are endorsed at the end of the Symposium and offer participants an immediate way to become more informed on the current issues affecting the planet as well as practical steps to lead a more sustainable life.

This is a great opportunity to generate money for you and your team if you wanted to sell them to participants either at the full, or discounted rate.

The Sourcebook is sold by facilitators for $10 ($2 off of the retail price) and the Guide for $5 ($1 off the retail), so if you sold 10 Sourcebooks and 3 Guides for example your team would generate $115.

The Sustainable World Coalition will be reprinting these at the end of this year, so have generously made copies of these freely available to all facilitators (but please read postage stipulations below).

To order

These are only available as long as stocks last! You may over order and return unused copies at any time.

To order, email Vinit Allen at with a shipping address and the quantities you want of each item; Vinit suggests ordering one third as many engagement guides as your total quantity of Sourcebooks as not everyone buys both.

If you are giving the books away, Sustainable World Coalition will ship to the US and Canada free of charge. They will ship to any other global destination at cost.

If you're selling them, you will be asked to cover postage which is approximately $25 per box of Sourcebooks (35 per box) within the US or Canada - accompanying guides are shipped free. Costs for other global destinations may be more. Please contact Vinit with any inquiries, or to request a PDF preview of the book.