Global Expansion Report: Pachamama Workshops in 71 Countries

September 06, 2012 | By Mia Murrietta

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These past months have seen tremendous success in the spread of The Pachamama Alliance message and workshops around the world, now reaching into 71 countries with new translations underway into Indonesian, Hungarian, and Italian.

Reaching Farther Through Partnership

One of the most exciting vehicles for this growth has been our collaboration with the Brahma Kumaris, who have taken the tailor-made Awakening the Dreamer Workshop into countries new to The Pachamama Alliance: Zambia, Hungary, India, Guatemala, the Philippines, several European countries, and new regions within the USA.

Elsewhere the message continues to expand: we are shaping up trainings in Poland and Brazil, organizing our first ever leadership training for people from all across Latin America, and leading a new collaboration of organizations contributing to the awakening of citizens in India.

Inspiring National-scale Transformation

Amongst all of this we are witnessing the emergence of new collaborations using Pachamama tools and thinking to inspire national-scale transformation. We are deeply moved by the qualities these collaborations are modeling, including:

  • the grounded vision of Awaken Ireland
  • the breadth of ambition in an initiative for whole-system change in Australia
  • the quiet determination of a community activation approach to re-boot life on the island of Barbados

In Ecuador, volunteer Facilitators and other community leaders are seeing the Symposium as a key tool in mobilizing public opinion to resist the sale of licenses for development of indigenous territory.

There’s a wonderful symbolism in the message created in response to the Achuar people’s invitation being used in their own country to protect their lands and way of life.

How You Can Get Involved

This phenomenal expansion is only possible with the support of our global network of volunteers, partners, and donors.

We are profoundly grateful for this ongoing collaboration, and welcome new contributors in any form! Please get in touch with our Outreach Director, Jon Symes, via email.

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