Indigenous Peoples Gather in Ecuador to Focus on Collective Rights

June 22, 2012 | By Mia Murrietta

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From May 7 to 12, Fundación Pachamama, with the support of HIVOS from the Netherlands, held the Third International Encounter for the Collective Rights of Indigenous Peoples with representatives of ancestral peoples from Guatemala, Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador.

The Encounter focused on themes related to the collective rights of indigenous peoples in Abya Yala - a term meaning "continent of life" or "land in its full maturity" in the language of the Kuna peoples of Panama and Colombia, and referring to both the American continents.

Sharing Strategies for Indigenous Advocacy

Participants from the indigenous representative organizations of CSUTSB, CONACAMI, CONIC, CONAVIGUA, COMG, Fundación Rigoberta Menchú, Ecuarunari, CONFENIAE, and CONAIE visited important sites and communities in Ecuador like Puyo, Tena, Rukullacta, Salasaka, Otavalo, and Quito.

As a result of the Encounter, all participants had the opportunity to meet and share experiences with local, grassroots indigenous organizations in the Andes highlands and the Amazon, strengthening their understanding of strategies that can be used to defend indigenous territories.

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