New Discovery, Proven Results

May 25, 2011 | By The Pachamama Alliance

San Diego in Action

Getting an ATD community started and thriving in sharing the Symposium can sometimes be a slow process, but the recent efforts in San Diego are an example of what can happen in a relatively short period of time.

Led by the vision of Reverend Wendy Craig-Purcell from The Unity Center and the power house people on their Living Green Team, there has been a rapid expansion of ATD efforts in the San Diego area which is now causing a ripple effect creating ATD activity around the world.

Here are some of the wonderful events that have led to this vibrant and active ATD community.

  • Oct 30 - A Symposium at TUC facilitated by Lynne Twist with Reverend Wendy leading the Getting Into Action section for 650 people. Internet entrepreneur and coach Jonathan Budd attended as a guest of Ariel White.
  • April 2 – A Symposium at First Unitarian Universalist for 200 people. Jonathan Budd brought 25 people from his community.
  • April 8-10 - A Facilitator Training at TUC for 32 people. 20 were from TUC and 10 were from North San Diego/Encinitas so two new local ATD Community Groups were formed.
  • April 17 – TUC does extensive promotion of ATD at Earth Day.
  • April - A group of TUC community members went on the Rainforest Journeys program adventure to Ecuador.
  • May 7 - The first of three practicums happened where facilitators received additional training and practice in delivering the Symposium.
  • May 9 – A Symposium hosted by Jonathan Budd and facilitated by Lynne Twist for 600 people from over 15 countries, over 24 U.S. states and nearly 100 people from the local area. This was followed later that evening by a 4YG "Game Changing Summit" event with live streaming video around the world. What a day that was for the Pachamama Alliance!
  • May 14 - A Symposium at TUC for 75 people put on almost entirely by the local ATD community!

What's Emerging in San Diego

ATD in San Diego is on a roll and building momentum! There are two other ATD events currently scheduled to further propel this important message of a sustainable, just and fulfilling future.

  • June 2 - A fundraiser hosted by Ariel White (with support from Jonathan Budd.)

This emerging model of joining a handful of large Symposiums, a few Facilitator Trainings and other elements such as the Rainforest Journeys program and a fundraiser has been a huge success!

A special thanks to Reverend Wendy Craig-Purcell, Lynne Twist, Jon Symes, Penni Honey, Sue Trisler, Pat Nissan, Suellen Sorensen, Ariel White, Jonathan Budd, Larry Michel, Alex Morisson, David Tucker, Janet Ryden and Raj Sundra for their leadership in these efforts.

The impact and influence of these combined efforts will ripple out in a transformational tidal wave the sweeps the globe!