Our New Online Look for Spring

April 11, 2012 | By Mia Murrietta

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If you’re a regular visitor to our Pachamama Alliance, Awakening the Dreamer, or Pachamama Journeys websites, you’ll notice something new today: we’ve integrated our three websites into one.

Gathering Our Work in One Place

The new unified format reflects the underlying unity of our programs, all of which are working for a new dream that brings forth environmental sustainability, social justice, and spiritual fulfillment for all.

In addition, we hope this new format will make it more convenient for you, the Pachamama community, to access the information and resources you use to co-create our shared future.

We know Pachamama Journeys participants, Awakening the Dreamer Symposium attendees, and Global Citizen monthly donors are more often than not the same passionate and committed people, and we’re excited to have our online presence reflect that wholeness.

Let Us Know What You Think

We’re constantly refining our offerings to our community, and your input can inform that process.

Please share your feedback on the new look and structure in the comments below or use the orange "Feedback and Support" button in the lower right corner of this page.