Pachamama Alliance Sets 2008 Priorities for Work in North

February 01, 2008 | By The Pachamama Alliance

In late January, the board and staff of the Pachamama Alliance met for two days in the hills of Petaluma, CA to review our strategy and set priorities for the year.  2007 was a year of considerable growth for Pachamama’s activities, funding base and team members – both on staff as well as volunteers worldwide. We were ready to take full stock of where the organization is currently, and look boldly into the future to see both what is possible, and what is the Pachamama Alliance’s unique contribution or offering for 2008. Drawing on the ideas of our new colleagues, the experience of our established staff and the wisdom of board members who have served since the alliance was established, rich exploration and inspired discussion followed.

From this process, a theme for the year emerged; deepen, true and deliver. Deepen in the sense of fully congealing the broad foundation that was established last year while staying connected to the spirit that ignited this Alliance; truing in terms of accurately expressing the work that is Pachamama’s to do in the world right now; and delivering in terms of producing powerful, measurable and tangible results.

Specifically speaking, we will strengthen the Awakening the Dreamer Initiative still more in the following ways:
•    Launch a new video-intensive version of the Symposium that has even more filmed interview segments, and allows for more flexibility and richness
•    deepen our support of trained facilitators
•    stay attuned to opportunities to expand globally
•    create some level of expression of the Awakening the Dreamer message for youth
•    continue to deepen the social justice message of the symposium
•    continue to deepen the excellence and power of the Symposium through improved ways of updating content
•    explore new ways to get the message of Awakening the Dreamer out, in addition to through the Symposium
•    expand our ability to train people to deliver the symposium
•    extend our support for people after they take a symposium, providing an online community for them (in collaboration with WiserEarth) and providing clearer pathways to action
•    continue to form and foster alliances with other organizations committed to creating a world that works for everyone.

Through all of these means we aim to support ever-larger numbers of people stepping into awakened action. Our central theme is one of experimentation, actively seeking out and empowering that which works best – in service of supporting Blessed Unrest.

In addition to our Awakening the Dreamer work, the Pachamama Alliance Travel Program to Ecuador has emerged as an important initiative in its own right. It was acknowledged that the results both tangible and intangible from people participating in this transformational travel experience make it a valuable tool for awakening, and ultimately fulfilling our mission. Consistent with this initiative is the Kapawi Lodge having recently been transferred to full Achuar ownership and operation and Pachamama’s commitment to supporting their success. Through expanding our travel opportunities, and expanding the marketing reach of Kapawi through a team of dedicated volunteers, we aim to bolster the occupancy of Kapawi considerably, helping to ensure the viability of this innovative project.

The final outcome of the planning session was not only finding clarity on priorities, but gaining an even deeper respect and appreciation between the staff and board, each recognizing the unique contribution of the other.  We recognized once again the power of The Pachamama Alliance and the spirit that guides it, and what an honor and privilege it is to do our work together.