Sharing the Accomplishments of 2011

December 20, 2011 | By Liz Crampton

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2011 has seen great achievements for The Pachamama Alliance and the Awakening the Dreamer program!

Some of our successes for 2011 include:

1. Awakening the Dreamer DVD - a way for people everywhere to share and experience a symposium on their own.
2. Brand new web sites for Awakening the Dreamer, The Pachamama Alliance and Pachamama Journeys.
3. An explosion of activity in Europe, now in Estonia, Romania, Italy, Portugal, Sweden, Norway and other places.
4. New partnerships with other organizations including religious communities, coaching networks and others, with whom this work will expand rapidly.
5. A new and improved version of the Awakening the Dreamer Symposium.

We have high hopes for 2012 and some of our ambitions include:

1. Working toward our one million target for participations in our core programs, across the U.S.
2. Developing an online webinar to train and support facilitators.
3. Ensure the Getting in Action Workshop is widely offered across the world.
4. Stronger communication network for training leaders in North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific.
5. Spreading our message to Latin America, China and India.
6. Breaking our target for bringing the Symposium to over 100 countries - we're currently at 63!

Jon Symes, leading our international work on the team, says "I'm more excited than ever about the potential and reach of the Awakening the Dreamer message, and more hopeful than ever about the shifts we are seeing around us; our work is directly and indirectly contributing to the uprising of the human family."

All the best for 2012, and we look forward to working with you all next year!