Solar Panel Proposal Approved with Jungle Mamas Support

April 27, 2012 | By Mia Murrietta

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Earlier this month, a proposal for a solar-pumped water system was approved in the indigenous community of Taisha – a notable success for the Jungle Mamas program and local coordinator Narcisa Mashienta.

The government council of Taisha has approved and initiated the construction of a solar-pump water system that will have water reach all 20 families (approximately 130 people) in the community of Kurintsa, located within the association of Pumpuentsa.

This is a success for Jungle Mamas because last year local coordinator Narcisa Mashienta worked with women and community representatives to submit a proposal to the council requesting funding for a water system that would provide each family with access to a water spigot.

The construction of the solar-pumped water system has already begun and will provide water to each family, though it will not be potable water. Work still needs to be done to educate families about how to maintain their community streams to be clean and free of contamination. Jungle Mamas will be working to promote a community empowerment workshop about healthy water management throughout the year.

Jungle Mamas has been working on various eco-sanitation projects in Kurintsa, primarily focusing on dry ecological toilets. There are currently three families with dry ecological toilets, and interest is spreading among the families.

People from Kurintsa have also participated in various safe birth and family health workshops, in addition to completing a birth apprenticeship in Clinica la Primavera, an humanized birth clinic just outside of the capital city of Quito.