Thank You: You Raised $14,616!

June 30, 2011 | By The Pachamama Alliance

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For 30 days this spring, we asked you to contribute to three new summer projects and share them with your networks.

Nearly 100 people in 12 countries donated to this campaign, raising $7,308 - an average of $75 per person! With a generous matching grant, we doubled that money to $14,616.

Thank you to everyone who supported the campaign!

All three of the projects are already off and running:

  • Compost toilets are being installed in the Achuar community of Pumpuentsa;
  • Youth trainings are planned and filling for July 21-24 in Philo, CA, and August 7 -12 in Ashford, WA; and
  • Young people are getting ready to head to the rainforest later this summer.

While the matching gift is complete, you can still make a contribution to support these projects until July 5th.

Together, we are cultivating a new generation of leaders, and supporting the Achuar in the future health of their communities. We look forward to sharing more engaging projects with you in the near future.

Thanks again to everyone who stepped forward, and congratulations on the work you’ve made possible!