Two Ways to Keep Symposium Participants Engaged

April 25, 2012 | By Mia Murrietta

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Have you ever wondered how to maintain the momentum and inspiration generated by the Symposium after participants leave the room?

Because one of our most important jobs here at The Pachamama Alliance is to support Facilitators worldwide, we are constantly challenging ourselves to answer that question.

The new Getting into Action Workshop is one answer we came up with, and we’re in the process of creating other tools and initiatives to build momentum, community, and action. We’re also always on the look out for great tools from other aligned organizations.

Two Resources for Post-Symposium Action

Our partners at the Sustainable World Coalition and Be The Change Earth Alliance - both of which are referenced in the V-2.5 Symposium - have developed comprehensive materials and programs designed to help participants stay engaged in creating a more sustainable world.

While their approaches differ somewhat, both encourage Symposium participants to convene in small circles whose members support each in ongoing action.

Sustainable World Sourcebook

The Sustainable World Sourcebook offers participants a colorful and informative summary of the major global issues facing humanity and our most promising solutions. Its companion, the Learning and Engagement Guide, helps small group circles engage in thought-provoking dialogue and experiential exercises to deepen their understanding and further action.

A free program called Engagement Circles utilizes both the Sourcebook and Guide in a small group series of nine sessions.

Awakening the Dreamer Facilitators can order the Sourcebook and Engagement Guide at a discounted price of $8 and $3, respectively, (includes shipping) by emailing Be sure to say you’re a Pachamama Facilitator!

Be The Change Action Guide

The Be The Change (BTC) Action Guide relates global issues to our daily lives, helping participants align their personal values with their behaviors by identifying the practical and achievable actions they can take to better themselves and the world around them.

The Guide includes an in-depth treatment on how to convene an Action Circle and make conscious lifestyle choices. It is also used as an ongoing companion with other curriculum such as the Sustainable World Sourcebook, Julia Butterfly Hill’s What’s Your Tree and Northwest Earth Institute books.

Bulk orders of the BTC Action Guide for Awakening the Dreamer Facilitators are $15 (includes shipping). Visit their website to order.

For More Information

For more information, or to order the resources above, we encourage you to visit their websites:

Our deep congratulations to both the Sustainable World Coalition and Be the Change Earth Alliance for creating these great resources in support of the emergence of a sustainable, fulfilling, and just human presence on earth.