Vote For a Possible Future

June 29, 2011 | By The Pachamama Alliance

The Possible Future’s Film Contest accepted its last film submission last week, so the public voting for the top most inspiring stories has just begun! As of yesterday, everyone is able to watch the 317 films from the 44 different countries participating, and vote for their favorites!

Chintan Gohil of India will inspire you with his story of Upendra, a farmer who uses worm composting to generate fertile soil. Hend Hadi of Yemen will move you to tears as she shares the story of children who live in fear as they witness tragedy before their eyes everyday. David and Hujin Hodge of the United States will excite you as they share how simple acts of generosity, even a smile, or listening deeply can nourish the human soul. These are just a few of the many films that have touched the Awakening the Dreamer team.

Now that you know that storytellers of the world have shared their vision of a possible future, it’s your turn to take the lead! Watch their films, share your favorites to inspire others, and vote for the ones that move you the most! Your votes will help determine the winners of over $30,000 in cash awards and trips to the Amazon rainforest with The Pachamama Alliance.

Entering your votes is very simple, here's how it works.