Awakening the Dreamer Breaks New Ground

September 01, 2010 | By The Pachamama Alliance

On July 28 - August 1, 2010, leaders and visionaries from 11 countries came together at Saint Mary's College in Orinda, California for two transformational events; the Awakening the Dreamer Training Leaders Conference and the Awakening the Dreamer Leadership Summit. More than 95 assembled to create new strategies and visions for what is possible for the Awakening the Dreamer Initiative over the course of the next four years.

One of the key accomplishments of these two events was a shift in paradigm; from one of Facilitators delivering the Symposium, to one of Change Agents in Blessed Unrest (CAIBU) working together to shift the trajectory of the human family towards a just, fulfilling and sustainable world within a four year context. In this new paradigm, leadership of the Awakening the Dreamer Initiative will come not just from San Francisco, but from everywhere within the world-wide ATD Community.

A second significant outcome was a deepened commitment to social justice within the Symposium and in the ATD Community itself. A compelling invitation, by a small group of leaders, to look at how issues of social justice exist in ourselves, our communities, and our work as Change Agents, resulted in a series of conversations and commitments that promise to greatly inform and deepen the work of the Awakening the Dreamer Initiative going forward. Find out more