Generation Waking Up in Seattle: Bridging the Generation Gap

March 04, 2011 | By The Pachamama Alliance

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Generation Waking Up bridged the gap between the ‘youngers’ and ‘olders’ in Seattle with a WakeUp training, the youth adaptation of the Awakening the Dreamer Symposium, for 45 participants. For two days participants had the opportunity to explore who they are, both as individuals and as a generation; identify the work that needs to be done both locally and globally; and decipher exactly how they can move forward together into committed action.

Joshua Gorman, Valerie Love, Sarah Keenen, Omar Zubaedi, Sydney Jourard, and Cherine Badawi, with special guest John Perkins, took participants through the first ever intergenerational training where the ‘youngers’ were seen, supported, and celebrated by the ‘olders.’ This type of collaboration is surely beneficial to both generations. The ‘youngers’ could learn a lot from the experiences and knowledge the ‘olders’ hold, while the ‘youngers’ bring a fresh and energetic perspective to the issues we are looking to resolve.

As Joshua puts it, “It was a truly transformational weekend of purpose and passion, creativity and possibility, story-telling and movement-building.” Out of this training we can look forward to seeing WakeUps in Seattle and a seven-day intensive training this summer. And this is simply just the beginning of a growing community in Seattle committed to creating the New Dream around the world.