Co-create the Next Phase of Pachamama’s Work

July 13, 2012 | By Mia Murrietta

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On July 2nd, co-founders Bill and Lynne Twist hosted two conference calls with over 150 Symposium Facilitators and other Pacha people to celebrate key achievements and discuss ideas that are formulating about an exciting new phase of our work.

Two of the big ideas in development:

  • Strengthening and connecting existing Pachamama communities
  • Encouraging participants in the Awakening the Dreamer Symposium and other Pachamama workshops to engage with game-changing citizen initiatives.

Read on to listen to the call, sign up for the next call, and offer your feedback!

This Is Our Moment

At this time in history people are more awake than ever–the Symposium has been doing its job! People everywhere are more aware of the threats confronting the human species and the opportunities available to truly create a new world that matches our dreams.

At the same time, people are also increasingly aware of the existence of underlying systems and institutionalized structures that impede our collective ability to actually create a just, thriving, and sustainable world.

Strengthening and Connecting Our Communities

One big idea introduced on the calls was how important it is now to insure that those of us engaged in this work come from a deep sense of spiritual connection and alliance with Pachamama–Mother Earth Herself.

In addition, we need the additional strength that comes from experiencing ourselves as members of an aligned community of Pacha people working together worldwide. This is especially true as we begin working more actively to transform systems of injustice.

In the coming months, as an organization, we will be putting in place and supporting online tools and technologies that better connect the Pachamama network. We’ll also be offering a set of community spiritual practices and tools that provide a deeper anchor of connectedness–more to come about this soon.

Engaging with People-powered Movements

A second big idea discussed on the calls was encouraging Pachamama workshop participants to engage with the growing movement in the United States to put democracy and the economy back in the hands of “We the People,” removing both from the control of concentrated power and money interests.

Links to several organizations that are playing key roles in this movement were shared on the calls:

Together with Bill and Lynne, call participants looked at how the Pachamama community might skillfully engage with these initiatives and bring additional energy that could make a significant difference.

Listen to the Call

Part 1: Introduction and celebration of our work

Part 2: The new phase of our work

Part 3: Community sharing and next steps

Next Steps