GenUp 2012 Summer Leadership Academy

April 25, 2012 | By Mia Murrietta

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Generation Waking Up training programs are growing in exciting ways.

With a recently developed one-day WakeUp Facilitator Introduction, the first East Coast training taking place in Brooklyn, NY this May, and planning underway for hosting trainings in Australia, Germany, and the UK, it's clear that there will be many new young leaders emerging in the months and year ahead.

An Opportunity for Young Leaders this Summer

This July 15 - 22, Generation Waking Up is hosting a special seven-day Summer Leadership Academy for young leaders ages 16 to 30.

The purpose of this training is for these youth and student leaders to become WakeUp Facilitators, Thrive Hub Organizers, and to gain transformational leadership skills for creating personal, interpersonal, and systemic change.

The Summer Leadership Academy will take place at the Whidbey Institute, a retreat center on Whidbey Island near Seattle, Washington. If you know a young leader who is committed to bringing forth a thriving, just, sustainable world, encourage them to apply today.

Get more details on the training