Kichwa People of Sarayaku Give Thanks to Their Allies

August 10, 2012 | By Mia Murrietta

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For more than 10 years, the Kichwa people of Sarayaku in Ecuador’s Amazon rainforest have struggled for recognition of human rights violations arising from oil development on their ancestral land.

Now, they are celebrating a favorable and historic ruling by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights on July 25th, 2012, and have issued the statement of thanks to their friends and allies below.

Attorney for the Sarayaku community and Fundación Pachamama staff member Mario Melo stated that “The Sarayaku sentencing constitutes a significant contribution to a more profound safeguard of indigenous peoples rights and it is an example of dignity that will surely inspire many other nations and peoples around the world.”

For all of those around the world who have invested in our efforts, whether with money, time, or by spreading the word, we share this gratitude with you. As the people of Sarayaku say below: “Together for life!”

Statement of Thanks from the People of Sarayaku

To all the friends and allies of Sarayaku:

We are women and men, defenders of life and human rights, guardians of Mother Nature, eternal protectors of Kawsak Sacha, the living jungle, watchers of the planetary balance and a force behind a new paradigm of economic development that contributes to Sumak Kawsay (harmonious life).

We would like to appreciate all the fraternal help that – during this long process of struggle and resistance – we have received from different sectors of society: intellectuals, members of the diplomatic corps, communicators, lawyers, philosophers, artists, politicians, educational institutions, foundations, associations, NGOs, regional governments, and all the people around the world who have felt called to dedicate their time and lives to the defense of human rights, of indigenous peoples, and of the environment. Your accompaniment and solidarity has been permanent and untiring.

We send our deep appreciation to you who have been friends from the beginning and forever. Thank you to those who have already sent your congratulations, sharing with us the recognition of this historic sentence.

We hope to have contributed a small grain of sand for the peoples that suffer the terrible consequences of the extractive policies of an economic system that violates their rights. One people, one society, one world is not built alone – it requires women and men of courage and dignity, willing to search for change and to push forward a true democracy and justice.

Together for life!

Sarayaku Lives

In name of the Kichwa First People of Sarayaku

José Gualinga
Tayak Apu
President of Sarayaku

More on our advocacy for indigenous rights

In image, above: José Gualinga, president of Sarayaku, shakes hands with the community's lawyer, Mario Melo of Fundación Pachamama, following a press conference on the historic July 2012 ruling. Photo courtesy of Lauren Barrett.