Pachamama co-founder, Lynne Twist, has been doing many speaking events around the country and globally on the topic of her book, “The Soul of Money”. She always finds a way to include the Pachamama message in her workshops and talks about financial sustainability and the transformational opportunities inherent in the global financial crisis. Lynne also takes the opportunity wherever she can to deliver the Awakening the Dreamer Symposium in tandem with Soul of Money engagements. For example, she will lead a “Fundraising from the Heart” workshop in Fairfield, Iowa on October 31st, followed by a Symposium on Sunday, November 1st. Lynne spoke before the Forum of Women Entrepreneurs and Executives at SAP Corporation in Silicon Valley in September, followed by a one-day workshop for local social profit organizations. She has also recently been in Vancouver, BC at a series of events with His Holiness the Dalai Lama and other Nobel Peace Laureates, and in Calgary, Alberta where she spoke at a large conference with thousands of entrepreneurs. Lynne is a featured keynoter at the Fortune Growth Summit in Dallas, Texas on October 21st, where she will focus on the opportunities inherent in the current global financial crisis. To follow Lynne's speaking engagements, workshops, and the trail of inspired people who hear about Pachamama this way, please visit the Soul of Money Institute website.