New Video from Ecuador’s Achuar Declares Oil-free Amazon

June 15, 2012 | By Mia Murrietta

The indigenous Achuar people of Ecuador stand firm in their insistence that oil development has no place in their pristine Amazon rainforest home. They believe that humankind not only has the power to shape our shared future in a just, thriving, sustainable way, but that we have a responsibility to do so on behalf of all life.

In this new video, produced by Fundación Pachamama, Achuar men and women describe their vision and call on the entire human family to create a new way forward now.

Stand in Solidarity with the Achuar

For more than 15 years, the Achuar’s fight to keep oil development out of their territory has been successful. Now, however, they are facing a renewed threat from the Ecuadorian government’s latest oil round. They need allies in the modern world to stand with them more than ever.

Our Global Citizen Monthly Donor program invites participants to reallocate $5, $10, $50, or $100 every month to support our continued work with the Achuar. Stand with the Achuar and invest in a just, thriving, and sustainable future for all.

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