Now is the Time: Looking to the Future

January 01, 2009 | By The Pachamama Alliance

Now is the time of change.

We witness it in the election of the first United States President and World Leader with a mixed racial background. We feel it as the world bares the sick pains of an economic system predicated on riches over true, sustainable prosperity. We hear it on the streets and in cafes where the environment and social justice intertwine with talk of the weather and politics. We see it on the Internet where people share their lives through videos, images and the written word on a scale never before seen in history.

Now is the time of calling.

We hear it in our minds and feel it in our hearts.  A deep yearning to combine both the knowledge and technology of the modern world with the wisdom and heart of the indigenous world.  A deep desire to reconnect two halves of the whole.

Now is the time of participation.

A time to rise to the occasion and help change the hearts of men and women across the globe. A time not just of action, but a time of grounding, personal development and meaningful conversation. Through the lens of globalization, it becomes clear that issues of the environment are also issues of social justice. To truly set humanity on a sustainable course will require a collective effort from everyone in the largest movement in human history.

The good news is that this movement is already underway, and you are already part of it. Through every conversation that grounds us in what's possible, we collectively birth a vision that guides our actions and shapes our reality.

Together, as we look forward into 2009 and beyond, it is clear that now is the time to collectively birth the dream of a sustainable, just, and fulfilling world into the hearts, minds, and realities of all.  While this can sometimes seem an overwhelming task, all we have to do is look around us in these times of change to see how quickly a shift in the conversation can change reality.

With your support, The Pachamama Alliance staff and volunteer body are busily gearing up to broaden the new dream conversation into the movement this year.  In collaboration with organizational partners and eager participants, we are finding ways to share costs while improving both our reach and connection.

These times of uncertainty combined with unprecedented global connection have opened the door to a sustainable path — a new dream — for humanity.

"I have accepted fear as a part of life - specifically the fear of change... I have gone ahead despite the pounding in the heart that says: turn back."
~ Erica Jong

Stay tuned for more announcements in the upcoming weeks.

In Blessed Unrest,
The Pachamama Alliance