Pachamama Alliance Featured for Rights of Nature Work

March 06, 2012 | By Mia Murrietta

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The Pachamama Alliance, Fundación Pachamama, and other members of the Global Alliance for Rights of Nature are featured in the Spring 2012 issue of the Earth Island Journal in an article entitled Natural Law.

A Great Resource on the Rights of Nature Movement

Author Jason Mark provides a comprehensive overview of the recent history of the Rights of Nature movement, from rural Pennsylvania to Ecuador and Bolivia.

Also included throughout the piece are links to key publications and organizations that have contributed to the growth of this movement.

Rights of Nature, as outlined in the article, prioritize the rights of communities to determine how best to steward the environment that sustains their life above the rights of corporations to make a profit - whether that means preventing ecological destruction from sewage sludge dumping or oil drilling in the rainforest.

It’s an idea that makes sense to an increasing number of people, and the simplest way to be a part of the movement is to read the article and share it widely.

Read the full article