Pachamama Community Shared Ceremonies, Rituals and Spiritual Practices

January 04, 2013 | By Liliana M. Peliks

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We're inviting each Pachamama Community to adopt shared ceremonies, rituals and practices that can unite us and empower our actions in the world. This proposal is an experiment, and it will be adapted as our accumulated experience and wisdom reveals itself.

The vision and purpose that we share is “bringing forth an environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling, socially just human presence on the planet.” We know that these three fundamental commitments—to the Earth, to the human community, and to the spiritual reality that gives us purpose and meaning—all actually come out of one reality, Pachamama. Pachamama is the spirit that is the container for and embodiment of all space and time--and, for that reason, could equally be called God, Allah, Christ, Yahweh, or any other name that human beings have given the One.

What these Experiences Can Accomplish

Our commitment and work on behalf of Pachamama gains enormous strength and depth if we seek, on a regular basis, to consciously align it with Pachamama herself, particularly the three main ways she manifests in our lives: in the natural world, in our connection with the human community, and in a deeper connection with the spirit inside ourselves. That is the purpose of ceremonies, rituals, and spiritual practices along with simply honoring and acknowledging Source.

So, any ceremony, ritual, or spiritual practice that helps you ground and align your life with the natural world, the human community, and your inner spirit is really a form of “action” in the world, because it supports, sustains, guides, empowers, and enriches our actions.

In the world-wide Pachamama Community, each regional community can also connect energetically and spiritually with the other communities by sharing a few common spiritual practices, some of them performed at the same time of the year. The following ceremonies, rituals, and practices (just one of each right now) are offered as a means of connecting deeply with other communities and expanding the energy field that we generate to change the world and to “be the change” we want to see.

The Expression of Your Community

You are free to adapt these rituals to respect the unique reality and experience of each community (including adapting the name of the spirit being invoked), preserving the essential nature of each to the best degree you can.

There will be more information about these (and other) shared ceremonies, rituals and practices on the Pachamama Community web pages—and there will be a place where we can share “best practices” related to them. To be developed!

Opening Sacred Space

Every symposium starts with opening Sacred Space. If you’ve ever wondered about how you might do this, or even what it’s really about, download our Sacred Space 101 document.