Possible Futures Film Festival on Hold for 2012

February 22, 2012 | By Mia Murrietta

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The Possible Futures Film Contest was created in 2011 to inspire positive visions from citizen filmmakers around the world – and over 400 filmmakers from 44 countries responded.

The Contest, now called the Possible Futures Film Festival, is on hold in 2012, as our educational initiatives and work in Ecuador take on new urgency in 2012.

We see visions of the probable future all the time - and they can be pretty negative and depressing, causing us to detach from our surroundings.

What we don't see enough of are visions of the future that is possible - the positive future that hundreds of millions of people are already living into and creating right now. That's what the Possible Futures Film Festival is about.

Watch and Share Hundreds of Inspiring Films

Hundreds of 2011 entries, including the winning films, are still available on the Possible Futures website. Watch and share your favorite films, and continue to be inspired by humanity’s capacity to envision and create a positive future.

Become a Visionary Partner in 2012

The Possible Futures Film Festival is now an independent project, with fiscal sponsorship by The Pachamama Alliance. If you or someone you know is open to a conversation about being a visionary partner in this project, please contact Festival Director Karen Dallett at pfff.festivaldirector@gmail.com or call 435.503.0215.