Share Your Story with The Pachamama Alliance

April 30, 2013 | By Celine Ho

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Your personal story? Yes! We believe that your story about how you have been touched or transformed by your experience with The Pachamama Alliance can inspire others to action, and make a difference in the world. We want to hear it!

For example, did you know about Gay, Sharen, and Christy from Barbados? They took Pachamama Alliance's Awakening the Dreamer Symposium last February and ignited their passion for bringing this work to Barbados. Since then, they have set up a non-profit, created a Pachamama Alliance Community on the island, trained people to lead Symposiums, and gathered leaders from across the country.

And did you know about Vince? He is the CEO of a successful management firm on the east coast who generated a new initiative in his company to empower Fortune 100 companies to integrate sustainable practices into their business.

Or Nora, a 5th grade teacher from San Diego? Nora and her family have stopped using disposable water bottles and plates, and now take part in petitions on local issues in their neighborhood.

We Want Your Story… On Video

Your stories sustain us, inspire us, motivate us, and teach us about who we are in the world. Today we are coming to you because we want to hear your story about how you have been affected and/or transformed by your experience with The Pachamama Alliance.

We will select stories to feature in our monthly newsletter, our annual luncheon, or even a short film. By sharing your story, you’ll also be giving us your permission to re-share it on our website and social pages.

How to Participate

Please email us at