Shared Learnings & New Paths

May 25, 2011 | By The Pachamama Alliance

All over the world ATD facilitators and change agents are awake and in action to change the dream of the modern world - one conversation, one Symposium, one day at a time. We are collectively waking up, taking action, and celebrating our progress towards a sustainable, fulfilling and just human presence on this planet.

This newsletter highlights some of the great ATD successes around the world; here is a quick look at what the Program Team in San Francisco is working on to support you all in these achievements


How do you track an open-sourced, grassroots movement? It isn't necessarily easy but we need to measure the impact of this program in the world to keep us on track in our efforts and to support our fundraising efforts. So now we are counting what's happening a number of areas including how many Symposiums are run and facilitators trained, plus the number of participants linking with us online, with Facebook, Twitter and our Facilitator Network. (links for each of those here) You will now find a metrics update in each newsletter. Please be sure you are putting your Symposiums on the Symposium Manager and let us know about any Facilitator Trainings so these great efforts can be counted.


We understand that putting on Symposiums is a labor of love and that joining with others can make this easier and more fun. Many of us are building community in our local, regional and even global efforts to share the load, avoid burn out and have great time while we make a difference in our world. The ATD Community Support and Expansion Manager, Gabrielle Sundra is here to help you take the Symposium as far and as wide as your imagination can go. Contact her at and let her know what support you need to take your efforts to the next level.


To empower our collective efforts, we continue to refine existing tools and create new ones. There are three new versions of the Symposium to be released over the next quarter. Stay tuned for a webinar version as well as an “E-Experience” (an online interactive experience) and a DVD format too. All of these are in editing right now. We are also currently gathering the many adaptations of the Symposium and supporting tools so as to share them and further spread this important message. Please send your adaptations to


Communication is key in any relationship. Having this newsletter now go out on a monthly basis is just one of the steps we are taking to share what is happening in ATD not just from the ATD program Team in San Francisco, but from your stories from all over the world. We also now have a Global Communication Team of ATD facilitators that have been informing efforts in this area.

Technology & Infrastructure

As we grow rapidly, we know that the online tools we provide are critical to the exponential expansion we must have to achieve a sustainable, fulfilling and just world. One new tool we are using is a new database to manage the interactions from now over 3,500 facilitators. We are also excited about a new ATD web site that is in the early stages of development with a target of launching by the end of the year.

This work inspires us all to continue to be unstoppable even when faced with no agreement, accolades, or support. Through our combined efforts a space of commitment, service, compassion, action and fun prevails!