Solar Transportation Project in the Amazon Receives Support from Prestigious Universities

October 30, 2012 | By Alan Pierce

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Fundación Pachamama, our sister organization, is collaborating with two prestigious universities to continue developing its solar transportion project in Achuar territory.

A team from the Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral in Guayaquil, headed by Professor Jean-David Caprace, will visit Achuar territory to further develop a study of the navigability of the Bobonaza and Pastaza rivers.

In addition, students, instructors, and professors from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have joined to collaborate in two other areas. One group is responsible for technical design of the transport system and includes a team of electrical engineers, naval engineers, and experts in solar energy.

The second MIT group is composed of students from Sloan Business School. This group is helping support the project with a business plan for the transport system and by examining the possibility of replicating this project in other Amazonian regions.

Ultimately, the goal is to provide an accesible and sustainable way to develop the transportation needs of the Achuar within their territory.

The project was one of seven winners of a regional contest put on by Finland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs in collaboration with the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture.

In their call for innovative and replicable sustainable energy projects, it became quickly apparent that a solar-driven river transport network merited recognition as a sound and deserving project they would be eager to support.

Further Reading