Symposium World Tour

March 01, 2009 | By The Pachamama Alliance

The Awakening the Dreamer Symposium has just completed its first World Tour, touching new audiences in Hong Kong, Sydney and London during a whistle-stop few days.  In each of these cities, XL Results Foundation organized and hosted a day-long event with three evocative and inspiring speakers, Marcia Martin, a long-time friend of Pachamama, Roger Hamilton of XL, and Pachamama’s co-founder, Lynne Twist.

In Hong Kong, 32 of the audience members came back to train as symposium facilitators the following weekend,  and they already have plans to translate the symposium into two Chinese languages, take it to schools and universities in China and Hong Kong, and reach out to nearby Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand and more.

In Sydney, the audience was even larger, with nearly 300 people coming together. In the aftermath of the devastating fires and floods in Australia, the symposium landed as a context in which to understand these earth changing events.  And, once again, many people wanted to train as facilitators, which will be a great boost to the group that already existed in that part of Australia.

London was the biggest of the three events, with about 600 receiving the Symposium very enthusiastically. Once again, significant numbers stepped forward to be trained to spread the message, and expressing interest in going on a Pachamama Alliance rainforest trip.

Symposium facilitators in each city loved their chance to meet with and hear from founder Lynne Twist. And with her help, they raised funds for their activities in each city.  The overall success of the tour was to take this work to people who would not otherwise have encountered it, to galvanize and extend our networks in each location and to learn about how we can work successfully with other organizations.   The message of Awakening the Dreamer is sure to continue to circle the globe in the months and years ahead.