Drawdown Initiative Conveners thanking Pachamama Alliance Donors for making their training possible.
On May 29, 2018, for the first time ever, Pachamama Alliance leaders from all over the globe came together to take part in a dynamic orientation focused on bringing the possibility of reversing global warming to their Pachamama Alliance Communities. They left the day-long orientation with tools, inspration, and commitment to bring Pachamama Alliance's two new Drawdown workshops Reversing Global Warming: Introduction to Drawdown and Drawdown Solutions: Getting into Action to Pachamama Alliance communities on four continents.

What is the Pachamama Alliance Drawdown Initiative?
Paul Hawken: environmentalist, friend of Pachamama Alliance, author of the book Drawdown and Executive Director of Project Drawdown.
The Pachamama Alliance Drawdown Initiative consists of a series of workshops offered at no charge, designed to have people realize that it is still possible to reverse global warming, and for them to find their role and get into action with others around the 100 scientifically proven solutions to begin to reverse global warming by 2050.
Pachamama Alliance's Drawdown Initiative was piloted in August 2017 and was showcased at the November 2017 Annual Luncheon, as well as during Pachamama Alliance's Earth Day Drawdown campaign.
Introduction to Drawdown
The first step of changing people's relationship to Global Warming happens in Reversing Global Warming: Introduction to Drawdown. The introduction is a two-hour, in-person experience that invites participants to truly see both the possibility of reversing global warming and their important role in changing the conversation from "game over" to "game on!"
The workshop is designed to be implementable by anyone, anywhere, with no formal training, simply by following the guidelines and utilizing the excellent resources and tools shared on the Pachamama Alliance Global Commons.
Many Conveners at the May 29 Training had already led at least one introductory workshop prior to the orientation, and received additional guidance on how to use the Global Commons resources and tools.
Getting into Action
The second part of the course is Drawdown Solutions: Getting into Action. This five-session workshop supports participants in finding their unique contribution to reversing global warming, creating a plan for getting into action with like-minded people in their community, and developing skills to communicate effectively about reversing global warming.
Why the Pachamama Alliance Drawdown Initiative Matters
The May 29 Convener Orientation took place the day after the close of the 2018 Pachamama Alliance Global Gathering so that attendees of the Gathering could participate before returning home.
Global warming threatens all life on Earth, and must be addressed if we are truly committed to bringing forth an environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling, socially just human presence on this planet.
Many people feel hopeless and resigned by the magnitude of this planetary crisis, and question whether there’s anything they, or any one person, can do to make a difference about it. Pachamama Alliance Drawdown Initiative workshops leave participants with a new way of seeing the problem, their role in addressing it, and inspired to get into action on this critical global issue.